Tuesday 18 December 2012

The First Stage Is Denial...

I refuse to believe that I will never watch a new episode of Gossip Girl ever again. I've never felt so attached to a TV show and its characters. But anyway - let's talk Finale. SPOILERS AHEAD.

So firstly DAN HUMPHREY IS GOSSIP GIRL? I have such mixed feelings about this. On one hand, he was one of my top suspects and it does make sense - he is, after all, there in most situations and obviously had something against the other characters in the early days. On the other hand DAN HUMPHREY IS A MALE. HOW CAN HE HAVE THE VOICE OF KRISTEN BELL? Oh the confusion. I also just can't imagine Dan signing off "xoxo, Gossip Girl". There's also the problem of scenes in past series where Dan sees posts and appears shocked, or there's a photo of him that he couldn't possibly have taken - however, the producers did half cover themselves by mentioning that Jenny knew of Dan's secret identity. I think we all knew it was Dan all along, we just didn't accept it and now we know for sure it's just so obvious. Just think back to the finale of Series 2 when Serena texted Gossip Girl to meet up with her and Dan turned up. We were shocked at first then immediately bought his story of just looking for Serena - and so did she.

I loved the episode in general, it was a great end to a great programme. There were, however, some things which annoyed me. NOT ENOUGH JENNY. I really loved Jenny and I was kind of hoping for her to team up with Waldorf designs, which she apparently did according to the bag she was carrying which said 'J - Waldorf Designs' or something, but I feel she was completely skimmed over, despite being such a huge character in the past. I also feel that Rufus and Lily's relationship was not put to bed the way it should have been, although it hasn't been a main storyline it shouldn't have been skimmed over. And seriously - she gets back with psychopath William? You've changed, Lily. To be honest, the whole Ivy-trying-to-destroy-Lily-but-failing wasn't really covered and I was expecting Lola to make an appearance but once again, not a main storyline and I suppose they only have forty odd minutes.

Of course, all great TV/film legacies have to round things off with a flash forward and, though giving closure and adding a heart-warming touch, I feel this part was quite weak. As much as I loved Henry Bass, it was really just about Dan and Serena, which I can understand as this was exactly how the programme began but it would have been nice to have more closure on other relationships, careers etc. I loved the very end bit, giving the impression that Gossip Girl will live on in society.

Now for all of the feels. I feel more emotional about Gossip Girl ending than Harry Potter - a bold statement. I've never felt so attached to every aspect of a show - after watching an episode I often find myself looking up the soundtrack of the episode, outfits of the cast, reviews of the episode, the places in NYC featured in the ep, texting my friend (an equally huge fan) my opinion of the episode and occasionally looking on newyorksocialdiary.com to look inside the 'real' Gossip Girl world. What ever kind of week/day I've had, I could usually always indulge in the elite and magical world of the Upper East Side for an hour every Tuesday. But no more. I realise how incredibly cliché and over emotional this all sounds, but Gossip Girl has been a key part of my life for a few years now - something I always make time for, can quote in apt situations and discuss religiously with friends. It's also (this is where it gets abnormally sad) something I incorporate into my life. Whether that's through clothes, music, films, books, the way I do my hair or career aspirations, it's genuinely influenced areas of my life. And there's constant reminders of it - whenever I hear Young Folks I think of Serena on the train and the first time we hear of Lonely Boy. If I watch an Audrey Hepburn film, I instantly think of Blair's dreams of being Audrey in various films. I see a book by Scott F. Fitzgerald and think of Serena in L.A. I drink gin, I think of Cece. I speak French, I think of Blair and Louis in Paris. Sad, right?

So how will I cope without my favourite programme? Unfortunately I really haven't the time at the moment to rewatch every episode, which will have to wait until after exams. So until then, you'll be able to find me cuddling my Series 1 boxset and listening to all the soundtracks of the series. No one can thank Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz enough for everything they've done and I have already decided that my future children will be forced to watch AND LOVE the programme, even if rope must be involved.

Bises et larmes (tears),

xoxo Riona

P.S. Stephanie Savage answered some of our suspicions here about Dan being Gossip Girl. http://tvline.com/2012/12/18/gossip-girl-series-finale-spoilers-dan/

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