Monday 17 December 2012

Goodbye Gossip Girl xoxo

It's here. The day we never thought would come, that we may not even have believed would come, has arrived. I'm not talking about the whole 2012 Maya thing, but it is indeed the end of the world of Gossip Girl.

Unfortunately, living in England means I don't get to watch it until it goes online tomorrow (God I love, unlike the lucky Americans who can watch it live tonight. Or not so lucky, considering there's an ad break basically every time we hear their GG iPhone blast alerts (an awful lot). The show's had a good run, lived a good life, but I think we can all kind of agree that it was her time to go. After having an incredibly successful first two series, the viewing figures have been dropping ever since and, while it kills me to say this, I have to admit that this series has been a bit of a disappointment. The 'scandalous' girls on 90s cartoon Recess have hatched revenge plans superior to Blair Waldorf's as of late and definitely did so with more conviction. Blair's character especially has been completely watered down - where are the snide comments we all love to hear when a Humphrey walks through the door? The tantrum when Dorota gets a dress order wrong? As much as I love Leighton Meester and her character, in this series she may as well have moved to Brooklyn and got a loyalty card at Trader Joe's.

However, the extreme change in character personalities still doesn't stop me from adoring the show. Personally, I think the reason it's so popular, certainly with my friends and I, is because it's the perfect mix of fantasy and... er... to be honest, I'm not too sure what it's a mix with - drama? To me, they live the dream life - the life I would choose for myself, if it were possible to choose which life we'd like to live. High rise apartment on the Upper East Side, a trust fund to last a lifetime, a summer house in the Hamptons, invitations to all NYFW shows, unlimited access to Chanel, Marc Jacobs - you name it. I also think the setting itself (New York, a split between the elite Upper East Side and slightly slummier Brooklyn) has played a huge part in the programme; you really can't imagine it being shot anywhere else, the surroundings represent the characters so well. It's definitely the life to aspire to, but I have a feeling it's only achievable if you were born into a Stately Home and Unlimited Trust Fund inheriting family. Oh.

Anyway, I got all emotional earlier about my favourite show ever finally coming to an end and got thinking about how it's actually kind of heavily impacted my life, in a social cultural political way. (...and then I just CHUNDERED EVERYWHERE). No, I'm joking. Kind of. As over emotional and cringey as it sounds, Blair Waldorf in particular has influenced the way I think. I sometimes ask myself "What would Blair Waldorf do?" in situations and the outcome is usually the way to get what you want. She may be a scheming power hungry doe-eyed princess, but she is ultimately a strong, straight-thinking woman with an impeccable taste in clothes.

Speaking of clothes - Gossip Girl has most definitely influenced my dress sense. I've always been a lover of headbands but Gossip Girl introduced me to a few more items which are now staples in my wardrobe...

• The Trench

I adore trench coats, when I'm wearing one I can't help but feel like running out into the rain and screaming 'CAT! CAT!' and then violently attacking George Peppard's face in a tender, loving way. This feeling is intensified by the fact I bought it in the 5th Ave branch of Zara in New York.

• Coloured Tights

A key item of the Gossip Girl wardrobe, these instantly add a pop of colour and brighten up any subdued outfit. Sah preppy.

• Sailor Style

Blair's style especially is very 'sailor', with lots of navy, white and red. She also wears a lot of tailored, structured pieces, though absent in this photo of the sailor jacket. Her outfits often involve top-buttoned shirts with large collars.

I'll miss you B.

I'll let you know as soon as I've watched the finale... I might actually cry.



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