Monday 24 June 2013

Brie, Honey and Peanut Butter Grilled Sandwich

Don't you always find that it's when you need to make something to eat in a rush that you suddenly create what could be the next sliced bread?

I definitely do. And I am always getting ready, eating and running out the door in a rush, as I'm pretty much always running late. So the other week I saw some leftover brie from a cheese board in the fridge, tried and failed to find some cranberry sauce (brie and cranberry is just as tantalising a combination), so then dug out the very end of a pot of Basics honey and some peanut butter. I hope you're ready.

The recipe is achingly straight forward, even for me, but I wanted an excuse to take photos, so after preheating your oven to 70ͦc...

Firstly, toast two slices of bread. Personally I'd use white as I think it a) tastes nicer and b) looks better when grilled.
Slather one side with peanut butter then honey, and fill the other side with as much brie as you can:

Pop them in the grill as they are above and leave them for about five minutes, or until you can see them browning...

Brie forms a bit of a film when grilled so just poke through it with a knife. Then put the slices together, cut, brew some fresh coffee and voilà.

So easy/quick/cheap/delicious. Just call me Nigella.



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